Hip Pain

Shockwave Therapy for Hip Pain - Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome - in Birmingham

Effective Treatment for hip pain and/or Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome by Birmingham Shockwave

Hip Pain is sometimes called Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome and affects the outside of the hip and to tendons associated with the area. This can include gluteal tendinopathy and bursitis.

Hip pain tends to be more common in women over the age of 40 and is sometimes related to issues with the pelvis or lower limb. Pain around the hip area can sometimes radiate into other parts of the thigh or hip, or it may be more localised and in a specific area.

More often than not, hip pain is accompanied by weakness in the muscles surrounding the joint and at Birmingham shockwave, we can assess the whole area to ensure that we are not only treating the problem, but also the cause.

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Common Symptoms of Hip Pain issues

Stiffness and pain in the hip

Aching in the hip if you lie on that side

Pain whilst standing on one leg

Pain when going downstairs or performing a single leg squat/lunge.

Referral pain into the lower back or down the side of the leg

Tenderness to touch the hip

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